There's been all those articles lately about "what not to wear after you're 40..." and now there's this article about "women who are naturally loud".
I'm loud. Really and truly very, very loud. I'm 52. I'm a woman. I'm also, as was pointed out to me yesterday incredibly TINY (or SHORT, because I think that person was just being nice) and, well, according to one person at my clinic, I am not only TINY, but HOT. Ahem.
Here's the thing. Yes, I am all of those things. For goodness sakes, beautiful loving friends. Life is so full of every kind of different. Let's stop with the comparisons and the shaming. Instead, let's just hold out our arms and our hearts and embrace one another with a, "I am so incredibly glad that YOU are a part of my little speck of this vast universe because you make it that much more interesting!"
I mean it.
It is precisely all of our differences that allow us to put this puzzle together, to make this world spin on its axis every day, to solve the problems that need to be solve, to find our way home to the centre of our hearts. Without every one of us, sharing our differences, being loud, being quiet, wearing whatever it is we wear, choosing to participate in ALL.THE.WAYS. we choose to participate, this world stops spinning. I don't want to live in a world where all of you are not spinning with me.
I appreciate you choose to share your hearts with mine and that you chose to show up today exactly in the way that you did.
You go be you. It's perfect. Exactly like that.
Loud, tiny and very proud. ~ nakedjen